A modern recording studio with top quality facilities
Record your music at Lundgaard
Delicious vintage equipment and skilled technicians give you the very best conditions for acoustic recordings and mixes in historically charming buildings located in beautiful scenic surroundings close to the Esbjerg and Kolding highway.
Contact us and hear more
Knud Erik Smidt
Phone: +45 21 76 91 61
E-Mail: [email protected]
Lundgaard Studios
Lundgaard Studios has been around since 1993 and is a modern studio complex offering facilities for sound recordings and mixes as well as education and conferences.
Although we have been around for more than 25 years, we call ourselves a modern studio complex. We call ourselves modern because we constantly innovate and optimize.
Lundgaard Studios is located in beautiful rural surroundings in the southern part of Jutland 3 km from Vejen.
We are close to the motorway with only 30 minutes drive to Esbjerg, 45 minutes to Billund Airport and 2.5 hours drive to Copenhagen.
With us you can produce music in our 2 studies, and it is also at Lundgaard that you can hold your upcoming course, meeting or conference.
Our 2 sound studios and skilled technicians give you the best conditions for recording and mixing.
Studio 1
In studio 1, 5 separation rooms have been built around 100m2
large recording rooms. The large room is very suitable for recoring
drums, wind instruments, strings and choral ensembles.
Studio 2
In studio 2, the focal point is the legendary desk SSL 4048.
The room and desk are very suitable for mix. the console
automation is synchronized with Pro-Tools via an interface.
Watch a 5 minute video about Lundgaard Studios
Our facilities includes
We offer 26 beds in 11 double rooms and 4 single rooms with bathroom and toilets in the hallway. Bed linen and towels are included.
Scenic surroundings
Lundgaard is located in scenic surroundings just off Kongeåen. With the park-like garden, there is peace and quiet and the opportunity to enjoy nature, which is right outside your door.
Lundgaard's kitchen staff can offer breakfast, lunch and dinner for up to 25 people served as a buffet.
Courses and conferences
Lundgaard is a modern meeting and conference center that has retained its historic charm and atmosphere in the more than 100 year old buildings
Lundgaard is for large and small bands - see our large list of all those who have recorded at Lundgaard.
It's freaking good simply. You can get the stone floor you can get wooden floor you can get carpeted floors and different types of walls. There is a huge variety of things you can do to your sound and for my part, the guitar sound will be hard and get really good, but down here has never been a problem. There always good atmosphere with it, to get this race because it has the space, space and quiet to work in, so you have a feeling that it has been good to be here. And so you think you probably hear it in the tracks.

Sometimes you have to pull your roots up and take out a place where you are a little off grid, and where you can concentrate on the music. That is what you really can achieve here. I will dare and say that what I get done here in four days, it takes me half a year at home in Copenhagen ... Here you can immerse yourself and relax. It's a great studio with great equipment and great technicians.

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